About Us


About Us

Maridata LLC has been in the computer industry since 1989 and is highly experienced with PCs and comfortably familiar with mobile Apple devices.

The Maridata team can be described as tech-savvy and highly adaptable to new technology, but not necessarily early adopters. We keep our ears to the rails about tech changes, but our perspective is: Well-built solutions can stand the test of time.

​If a product is working, we need a compelling reason to change (or upgrade) it.

We like to see evidence based on experience which takes time to collect before deciding whether a change is worthwhile or just a passing fad. And we value the probative value of give and take argument before making decisions which also is slow to develop. Lawyers also are comfortable with precedent, wary of unintended consequences of even well-intentioned change, and sensitive to the unfairness of changes to those who have relied on the status quo, as well as to those who lack the means or know how to adapt to new ways of doing things.


Certified Salesforce Administrator